No matter what your age and what it is that you're doing, it's always easier and more fun with a pal. Like when we females always need to go to the restroom as a pack, lmao! I don't know why we do this, but we stick together. Now, have this same mindset when you're pursuing your goals. Enlist an accountability buddy. Or what I like to say, ACCOUNTABILIBUDDY!
Last December, one of my best friends and I sat down and decided we were going to make 2020 an awesome year of achievements. Although it's the year of Tiger King, Murder Hornets, a pandemic, and more, we are staying on track with what we're doing because we set goals for ourselves and we touched base biweekly on a call with a Google spreadsheet that I created. We plugged in our goals on that sheet and update it regularly. It's a live document that we can refer to with start dates and goal deadlines. PICK YOUR BUDDY Whatever your goal may be, enlist your accountabilibuddy to keep you on track. This sounds like common sense but I'm going to lay it out anyway. This buddy can be a family member or friend and should have a genuine desire to help you achieve your goals. Someone who won't be an enabler or someone who will secretly sabotage you. It's really sad to say this, but some people in your life don't want to see you win. BE THE BEST BUDDY Also, be the best accountabilibuddy you can be to your partner. Think about how you want to be supported and show up for the same way. This won't work unless you're both fully invested in each other. SET YOUR GOALS Make your intentions clear. Make them so clear that it's like a roadmap and you are going to follow it like a GPS and you can see the destination clearly. You don't have to have it written down but I suggest it. Maybe in a notebook or a planner. As I mentioned earlier, I made a Google Sheet. I am all about the Sheets. My life is organized by and in Google Drive. lol. Use what works for you. TOUCH BASE Communicate with your buddy on how you want to be supported and visa versa. Are you going to text each other daily? Have a monthly call to chat about your wins and struggles? CELEBRATE No matter how big or small the win, a win is a win! It's an accomplishment that you achieved and you should celebrate it. You don't have to throw a party or anything. Maybe treat yourself to a dessert or do something special that makes you feel good. In one of the Facebook groups I'm in, we celebrate our wins for the week on Fridays by posting videos of us dancing and being silly. Interested in using my Goals Tracker as a template? See it here on Google Sheets:
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ShizukaUnleash your inner warrior and slay your goals! Categories
September 2024